Saturday, June 28, 2008

1 week study week. Wish me luck for my exams :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today's our 2yrs 7 monthsary :D

Went to my relative's wedding ytd. Saw many familar faces but i really
don't remember most of them. Anyway, not much pictures.

Candid shot

1st attempt on the babychair

Grandma's discharged today
& photos of my cheeky girl

Her new bite-able toy book. Lol!

Lectures' notes , blah-blah-blah
Exams coming up next ..

Monday, June 9, 2008

Making a difference

Suddenly recalled of a video which my lecturer showed us in class.
It's really meaningful & you should really watch.
It'll probably takes you about atmost 15mins


Never do we know every small actions we make, may affect
other people in one way or another. As simple & mundane it will seems to be,
somehow, we never really know. So, before saying any words
or doing actions, think thrice. Or perhaps, showing more concern
for people around you & maybe that's when you'll also
make a difference.

This is just a random post which i feel like sharing :)

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Went drangonfly with the girls.
Wasn't as fun as expected but still fun :)

Stayed home and baby's been rejecting her formula for the past few days,
which is kinda worrying. Gotta bring her to the
doctor tml & also for her development assessment.
Anyway, she knows how to wave her hands and wriggles her fingers
when we say byebye to her. Cute!
& also 1 of the video of her trying to leap forward.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Poor resolutions :

She's trying to leap forward

Bolly-wood. I'm blocking her from watching tv

Messy hair

I LOVE spicy mcnuggets !
i'm still wondering if i've marked my attendance
the movie is buffering way too slow
& i'm waiting for mac to deliver ...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

tired :(

Monday, June 2, 2008



It has been years since i've last studied.
My memory's failing me. Sigh!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


School's offically starting in another 17 hours time.
YAY! Wish me luck.
Hopefully there won't be any ice-breaking. Me hate!

On the emo side:
1 of my relative past away
& with the replay of the Sichuan's charity show, makes me wonder
what's the point of living?
Life's full of the unexpected & all we are doing is
to go through poverty or rich , studies , work , sickness , growing old ,
emo shits & eventually dying.
So tell me , what's life worth living for?
Don't tell me it's the love .. you might as well tell me it's death or maybe even money.
Without money, you're literally dead.
but nonetheless, i LOVE my girl