Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The ugly side of homo sapiens

Noticed that there are people labelling young mummies as whores?


Den what about those guys getting ladies pregnant(aka the father of the child)?
Selfish remarks people made ..

What's so shameful with young mummies? I seriously don't understand
It's not that we don't provide the same kind of love to our child as those 'older' mommies right?
It's not that we don't go through the 10 months of pregnancy as they do right ?
It's not that we are shrinking our responsibilities and abandoning them right ?
So many it's not that .. and why is it that we're condemned?

So why are there still such people who think with their dicks instead of their heads?
Since it's not you going through labour pain then who are you to judge?

So, young mommies are whores .. therefore, the men are gigolos . HAHAHA
contradicting !

KNNBCBB .. I think this people are insane . YOU PEOPLE SIAO AH ?
Maybe they are deprived of motherly love
maybe you can go fuck spider :)

* not referring to anyone in specific, except for those mother fuckers

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