Saturday, March 28, 2009

Your name is Jaelyne :)

If only kids stays as infants and toddlers, how lovely :)
Baby's calling 3 persons Ma , my mum, my grandma, and me
i guess she still doesnt know how to differentiate the pronounciation well enough
still waiting for her to call me Mummy!

She's so tall btw, and naughtier each day.
she keeps going ahhhhhhhhhhh... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... ehhhhhhhhhh... aiyaaaaaaaaaaa...
bad habit.
I think she doesn't know her name is Jaelyne, cause she's too used to us calling her 芷绫 already
& she sticks to me like super glue nowadays

So fast, it's already going 17 months since I gave birth to her.
Incredible .
I miss the feel of her still inside my body, the feeling like never before .

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